domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020


From:                             To:
CC:                                                                      BCC:,
Subject: I'am in Cuba
Files: 0703.jpg

Hello friends!

How are you? Sorry to go on vacation without saying anything,we had to leave very quickly jaja.

I’m here in a very expensive hotel, there’s an amazing pool, but what I like most is the sea. I don't think we have many days left when I find out I'll tell you.

Well, that’s all my news, the only thing is to tell them I’m fine and I’ll be back soon.

Well I hope you have a good time and see you soon.


Sincerely Cesc



miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

The curious Case of Benjamin Button

The curious Case of Benjamin Button
1. What is the title of the film?
The curiose case of Benjamin Button.
2. Who is the director?
David Fincher.
3. Who is the screenwriter?
Eric Roth.

4. Where does the action take place?
New Orleans.
5. When does the action take place? (past, present, future)
6. Which genre is the film? (horror, comedy, animated, drama, adventure, science fiction)
Romance, drama, fantasy and cinema based on a literary work.
7. Who are the main characters?
Benjamin and Deysi.
8. Describe two characters in the film. (physical description, psychological description, age, nationality social/personal background)
Benjamin: a man / boy with a strange disease that affects his metavolismo

Write 4 words from the film and...      Hummingbird, Hurricane, Elderly, War
9. Write a definition in English
Hummingbird: are birds native to the Americas and constituting the biological family Trochilidae.
Hurricane: also called a tropical cyclone, is a rapidly rotating storm system.
Elderly: refers to ages close to or greater than the life expectancy of human beings
War: is intense armed conflict between states, governments, societies, etc.
10. Translate them into Catalan
Colibrí, Huracà, Gent gran, Guerra
11. Write one sentence with each word
And a hummingbird appeared in the window.
And the hurricane threat reached New Orleans.
It was a residence for the elderly.
He had to go to war.

martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

The Confinement

The New

Up to 13,000 deaths in Catalonia: this is an estimation by the health system of the worst case scenario for the coronavirus crisis. President Torra mentioned the projection in a rare parliamentary meeting via video link. He also said that if Spain doesn’t accept a total lockdown on Catalonia, confinement might be in place until June, with the peak of the crisis in late April.

My Opinion

First of all, this news was posted on March 25th so the deaths must have gone up, and my opinion is that all that is happening is that we should have stopped beforehand to block Catalonia (Spain) much longer, and in the second opinion, if this lasts until June, many people will come to me and I will not stand.
Cesc del Rio Rovira

viernes, 28 de febrero de 2020

Useful Language

Useful language

Taking a call 
(Name) speaking.                                                    
How can / may I help you?                                      

Asking to wait
Hould the line, please.
Just a moment, please.

Asking for personal details
Can I have your name?
Can I have your address?

Asking for information
What seems to be the problem?

I'm afraid it dosn't work properly.
I guess the product is fautly.
I'd like to change / return the item.
I'd like to have a refund.

I'm sorry to hear that.
Sorry, but that's our return policy.
Thank you for being so patient.

martes, 28 de enero de 2020


Cesc: Hello grandma! I have a projector!
Gradma: What is a projector? What is a new console?
Cesc: No, grandma. It is a machine for whatching movies on a larger screen.
Grandma: Oh it's amazing, and that can do more than just watch movies?
Cesc: Apart from watching movies, we can also watch series, play games and more.
Grandma: Interesting, and how does this machine work?
Cesc: Well, it's very easy, connect it to your computer and whatever comes out of your computer is played on the wall thanks to the projector.
Grandma: What is made of?
Cesc: It's made of plastic.
Grandma: Can I see it?
Cesc: Of cours, grandma! Have look!
Grandma: Wow, indredibol! 

viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2019

Old videogames or modern videogames?

In the last 20 years the games have changed a lot, that is why today we will explain the differences, the advantages and the disdvantges that they have.

First we will start with old games, its advantages to me are that they were structured, the always had a story with a very good context, and its disadvantages are it that they have very poor graphics compared now and their jugability was quite difficult.

Well, now we will go to modern games, for me the new games are better than the old ones, the new games have better graphics and soundtracks, and their disadvantages are that their stories like the old ones are not so well done.

Well, for me, the best games are the new ones, but it is always good to play the old games to remember the old times.