miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2019

Buying and selling a computer

Shop assistant: Cesc
Customer: Sebi

Cesc: Good morning, what are you looking for in particular ?
Sebi: Good morning, I'm looking for a computer with 20 TB and a good graphic card.
Cesc: Okey, you can look at the cataaleg to see what you like.
Sebi: I would like the one on page 4 worth 1.600 €.
Cesc: Well, there's no problem, would you like any additional component?
Sebi: Yes, I would like some speakers and monitor.
Cesc: Okay, the only speakers we have cost 200 € and the monitor we recommend is the LG brand ant it costs 125 €
Sebi: Okey, I bought everything.
Cesc: Okey, How do you want to pay in cash or wiyh a card?
Sebi: I would like to pay with a card.
Cesc: Okey, thanks you for you purchase.
Sebi: Thanks and goodbye
Cesc: Goodbye.